What is CBD hemp elixir and how does it work?

The effect of CBD hemp elixir, better known as CBD oil, is just as versatile as the unique composition of the Ingredients itself. 

No other known extract in the world has such a comprehensive composition of health-promoting active ingredientssuch as organic CBD oil, also known as hemp elixir or cannabis oil.

Organic CBD oil, which is not extracted from drug hemp but from, at best, organic industrial hemp, neither causes a psychoactive effect nor does it have addictive potential. The elixir from LEWEL UP® is extracted from organic cannabis sativa fiber hemp (not from drug hemp) in Switzerland, processed and tested in Germany and is completely legal and, if used correctly, is safe to consume. Dosage even suitable for children and animals.

Full spectrum Cannabis oil contains the entire range of health-promoting components of the plant. In addition to numerous cannabinoids, these include flavonoids and terpenes, for example, which are contained in the elixir. These serve as carriers of the cannabinoids in the bloodstream and thus ensure the healing transport to the responsible receptors.

The endocannabinoid system is part of our central nervous system and is designed to bind cannabinoids. Some of these receptors are distributed throughout the body, while others are mainly located in the brain.

Especially since only a few cannabinoids can be produced by the body itself and are found exclusively in hemp in the plant world, it can be assumed that the human body responds to the intake of cannabis as a Painkillers and sedatives is aligned. Thank God that more and more Areas of application researched with cannabis extracts.

Whoever really If you take a closer look at the subject, you will quickly realize how beneficial organic CBD oil can be as a dietary supplement and the many positive effects it can have on human health. Cannabsis oil contains many valuable ingredients, most of which cannot be produced by the body itself. The multitude of Minerals and Proteins are accompanied by plenty of Vitamins and Dietary fiberand several times unsaturated fatty acids.

This is the traditional, Oil known for thousands of years a true miracle cure. Unfortunately, cannabis has been lost in today's medicinal jungle because it has been suppressed by "the pharmaceutical industry" for far too long. The oil and textile industries also certainly had an interest in banning this versatile plant.

However, cannabis is slowly experiencing an unstoppable renaissance.

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