Sri Yantra White Gold Gel (7.7ml)


Monoatomic Gold Sri Yantra Gel (7.7ml). White gold gel increases conductivity (conductivity), which is attributed to the exchange of information between cells.

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  • The monoatomic gold is produced from the purest 24 carat metallic gold by dissolution in molten sodium metal and then via detonation with the purest water, followed by precipitation, separation of residues and PH neutralization.
  • The production method of this true, ancient manna goes back to the genesis of ancient tinctures used by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt to harness the most powerful alchemical forces.
  • In addition to gold, Sri Yantra Gel also contains phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, manganese and sodium for optimum absorption and processing in your cells.
  • It was already produced alchemically at the time of the ancient civilizations and consumed by pharaohs, for example, to support the development of the "light body".
  • Do not use more than 3 drops more frequently than approximately every 3 days. For maximum effect it should be used orally on an empty stomach after 8 hours without food.
  • You do not need to use more than 3 drops every 3 days. Best taken orally on an empty stomach after 8 hours without food. The bottle contains 7ml. We recommend the combination with our product "Purazyme", which supports the effect of Sri Yantra through its physically detoxifying, probiotic effects.
  • For more in-depth information, we recommend the following link:

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