Lumin 2nd deep cleansing (30ml)


The second step of the basic 4-step deep cleansing. Balances the subtle body.

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  • The second step of the basic 4-step deep cleanse, designed by a highly luminous (deep-expertise) high-level alchemist.
  • The primary component is highly concentrated monoatomic gold, a completely pure and highly potent substance that has been used for eons by high-level civilizations to rid the living body of low vibrational energies, clutter and useless karmic blockages, leading to a process of transformation that allows one to vibrate in a higher state of consciousness.
  • It also contains a large number of essential components that can be optimally utilized by the body, such as monoatomic platinum, rhodium, iridium, calcium, magnesium, potassium and selenium and traces of other revitalizing components such as copper, iron, zinc, manganese and chromium.
  • Made from evoporated ocean water, taken from 2200m sea depth near Kona, Hawaii.
  • Lumin balances the subtle body, brings about physical alignment and a deeper cleansing of the cells that builds on Origin. There is an understanding of the flow of life energy with accompanying clarity in recognizing unserving everyday energies.
  • Strengthens the connection to the meta-self (subconscious mind), resulieredn through more deep relaxation, balance and clear intuition.
  • The result is mental clarity, calmness, being grounded, deeper and slower breathing, a brighter mood, a lighter body feeling with a perception of better coordination and motivation of your own body, regardless of the external circumstances. Plus more lucid dreams and dream recall.
  • Dosage: 3-20 drops daily. At the beginning mainly before going to bed. ral intake with leaving in the mouth for interaction with the oral mucosa and supplementing by dabbing the chakras and skin in general.

For those who would like further reading and insights into Origin, we recommend the following link, which will take you directly to the ingenious alchemist who designed the elixir:

More about Lumin

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