Ingredients in organic CBD oil

CBD & other cannabinoids

The absolutely unique active ingredients of cannabis plants are called cannabinoids and act primarily in the entire nervous system, as well as in the brain. In addition to CBD (cannabidiol), there are more than 100 different cannabinoids, which in the plant world are found exclusively in the Hemp are found. The 5 best researched cannabinoids are the following:

CBD - CBD is the second most abundant cannabinoid in cold-pressed hemp oil. Its extraordinary power has given organic CBD oil its common name. It is particularly effective for chronic pain and is therefore often used for migraines, cramps or arthritis. In many cases, it has also brought about a significant improvement in epilepsy. The cannabinoid can even take on many malignant cancer cells and displace them.

CBC - This powerful cannabinoid is full of energy. CBC not only has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves pain in the body, but is also responsible for cell renewal.

CBDA - This healing cannabinoid is also an important component of organic CBD oil. CBDA stands out due to its strong antiemetic effect, which puts an end to nausea and vomiting. It has also been found to have a killing effect on cancer cells, particularly in breast cancer.

CBG - This fine cannabinoid is a small but important component of organic CBD oil. It is a basic building block that is converted into many different cannabinoids during the plant's growth process. It is also considered a fundamental molecule due to its highly antibacterial properties.CBN - CNB is not derived from CBGA like most cannabinoids, but is formed as a degradation product of THCA. It is hardly psychoactive itself and is very similar to CBD. It has an anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, sleep-inducing and appetite-stimulating effect and is therefore an excellent support for the side effects of chemotherapy, among other things.

The versatile properties of CBD & other cannabinoids

Pain & sleep
Against insomnia 
Against sleep apnea 
Bone stimulant 
(cancer growth)
Allograft stimulant 
Nutrition & digestion
Digestive aid 

"Nature cannot be taught by anyone, it always knows the right thing to do."

Hippocrates of Kos (460 - around 377 BC), Greek physician, "father of medicine"

Omega fatty acids in organic CBD oil

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids have long been referred to as vitamin F. It has now been proven that these two fatty acids are absolutely vital for the human organism and cannot be produced by the body itself. They are responsible for the regeneration and renewal of cells, and cell membranes. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids also regulate blood pressure if they are in the right ratio. In CDB oil, the ratio is 1:3, which is the perfect ratio found in no other vegetable oil.

A strong correlation has been observed between the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in the body and the prevention of neurological and mental illnesses in particular. In addition, the risk of strokes and Alzheimer's disease can be greatly reduced by an adequate supply. Low levels of this fatty acid have also been found in patients with depression, schizophrenia and borderline personality. The same applies to children and adolescents with hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Thanks to this unique composition of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in organic CBD oil, the aforementioned Disease patterns an accompanying Ingestion recommended by CDB oil as a dietary supplement.

Gamma-linolenic acidGamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is a triply unsaturated omega-6 fatty acid and is produced by metabolic processes in the human organism or is absorbed directly through food. However, it is only present in this form in very few foods. However, gamma-linolenic acid makes up 3% of the content of organic CBD oil. It is not only rare, but also has special properties. Gamma-linolenic acid is essential for nerve conduction and lowering blood pressure in the brainhas an anti-inflammatory effect and is a wonderful and important aid, especially for people with skin problems. Diseases such as neurodermatitis or psoriasis can experience a visible improvement thanks to the activity of this extraordinary molecular chain in organic CBD oil.

Important vitamins

Several useful vitamins are present in organic CBD oil. These include the vital vitamin C and the impressive vitamin E, which is found in almost all human and animal cells and, thanks to its antioxidant properties, protects cell membranes by intercepting and binding free radicals. On the one hand, this property helps to prevent strokes, heart attacks and Alzheimer's disease. On the other hand, the protection provided by this vitamin also makes it difficult for various types of cancer to penetrate.

Vitamin E is present in large quantities in organic CBD oil and is also known as the fertility vitamin, as it regulates all the gonads in the body. It is also generally known as the fountain of youth, as it slows down the visible ageing of the skin.

Vitamins B1 and B2 are also important components of organic CBD oil. Vitamin B1 has a positive effect on the serotonin balance in the body and thus promotes feelings of happiness and a good general state of health. This is why organic CBD oil is often used to support people suffering from depression.

Vitamin B2also known as riboflavin, is found in various foods such as broccoli, asparagus and spinach and plays a crucial role in brain metabolism.

It is assumed that migraine patients suffer from a lack of riboflavin and that an adequate supply of vitamin B2 can prevent migraine attacks.

Minerals in organic CBD oil

Organic CBD oil contains a large number of minerals, minerals and trace elements that are essential for a healthy organism. Among other things, high-quality organic CBD oils contain the following elements:

Bulk elements

Potassium - Potassium is a fundamental and vital mineral. This is because potassium enables the transmission of stimuli and electrical impulses in the cell membranes, regulates blood pressure and cell growth and influences the release of hormones.

Calcium - The bulk element calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and 99% is bound in bones and teeth, for whose stability it ensures. Cellularly, it affects cell division, the excitation of nerves and muscles, as well as the activation of some enzymes and hormones.

Magnesium - Many people suffer from a deficiency of this vital element in the body due to poor nutrition. It is responsible for energy supply, ensures strong bones and muscles, as well as nerve transmission, reproduction and heart health.

Sodium - 95% of this essential mineral is found in our extracellular fluids such as blood plasma, tissue fluid and lymph fluid. Sodium contributes to the regulation of water balance, the maintenance of blood pressure, blood volume and a balanced acid-base balance.

Trace elements

Iron - Iron is an essential trace element that ensures blood formation in the human and animal organism. In the body, it is present in oxidized form as iron(II) or iron(III) and is responsible for oxygen transport and oxygen storage.

Copper - Although the trace element copper is slightly toxic to multicellular organisms in large quantities, it is nevertheless vital for humans. It is contained in many enzymes and acts as a disinfectant in the body. As it is lethal to microorganisms, it has an antibacterial effect in the human body.

Manganese - Although manganese is only found in very small quantities in the body, it is also an essential trace element and a component of many enzymes. For example, it controls the management of cell energy, the formation of glucose, melanin and dopamine.

Phosphorus - Phosphorus is an important mineral and has numerous functions in the human body. It is needed to build cell walls, helps to stabilize the pH value in the blood, ensures energy production, the structure of DNA and the stability of bones and teeth.Zinc - The vital trace element zinc is responsible for numerous processes in our body, including cell division, the growth and healing of wounds, the strengthening of the immune system through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as insulin storage and sperm production.

Underestimated dyes

The organic CBD oil gets its greenish color from the abundance of chlorophyll and carotenoids. Chlorophyll enables photosynthesis in plants and is not only of great importance for them, but also for the human organism. It plays a significant role in ensuring that our cells can breathe, i.e. that they are supplied with fresh oxygen and can therefore be cleansed and detoxified. Of course, this also strengthens the immune system.

Chlorophyll is very similar to hemoglobin and is equally responsible for healthy and clean blood.

The carotenoids that give organic CBD oil its golden glow also support our health in various ways. They establish well-functioning communication between cells and act as antioxidants, which counteract skin aging, inhibit the growth of tumor cells and protect our health. Diseases such as Alzheimer's, arteriosclerosis, cataracts, Parkinson's and rheumatism.

Carotenoids have an important protective function, particularly in the liver, eyes, skin and fatty tissue.

We can see here how important a balanced diet of fresh and green foods is. The incredible variety of vital and health-promoting substances in green plants is extraordinary. Whoever really A healthy diet with plenty of fresh and unsprayed vegetables significantly reduces the risk of contracting the disease.

Anyone who nevertheless suffers from certain physical or psychological complaints may want to try the miraculous effects of organic CBD oil. The composition of this incredible variety of ingredients makes organic CBD oil absolutely unique and truly special.

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