Areas of application of organic CBD oil
Cannabis oil as support for cancer
Cannabis oil is also known as "the tears of the phoenix" because it has such magnificent effects. It can also be a wonderful support for cancer patients during treatment. As has been proven in countless studies, full-spectrum organic CBD oil can prevent cancer cells of some types from growing. The use of organic CBD oil has even led to tumor regression in some cases.

Organic CBD oil has an effect on the immune system, more specifically on the endocannabinoid system. In oncological diseases, it prevents the growth of foreign cells. The effect takes place slowly.
Organic CBD oil does not cure cancer directly. The effect is indirect, but profound. It affects the central nervous system, where a number of receptors are reactivated that are responsible for the immune system and numerous metabolic processes. Organic CBD oil addresses the cause of the problem, not the symptoms (such as cell division inhibitors administered in chemotherapy). Published clinical studies show an average regression of metastasis within 3-6 months. In many cases, surgery to remove the tumor was made possible because it had regressed to such an extent.
Organic CBD oil achieved impressive results, particularly in aggressive lung cancer. Researchers have also turned their attention to the widespread breast cancer. In the majority of patients, they were not only able to prevent growth, but also inhibit the spread of cancer cells. Leukemia, colon cancer and cervical cancer have also been successfully treated with CBD. Cannabinoids also makes painkillers mostly superfluous. Patients often only feel pain with very little intensity. In addition, organic CBD oil usually also increases the appetite. This is usually very important, especially during chemotherapy. Due to the antiemetic effect, even dizziness and nausea can be significantly reduced.
Counteracting epilepsy with organic CBD oil
As there are so many different types of epilepsy, which can manifest themselves in very different ways and whose causes are usually unclear, no generally valid, reliable form of therapy has yet been found. None of the drugs that have been administered, approved and tested have been really convincing. Many of the drugs have no effect at all and do not even help to improve the symptoms.
Even organic CBD oil does not appear to be able to provide a complete cure for these diseases. However, the results of the studies published to date can give patients real cause for hope. The vast majority of the test subjects felt a significant improvement in their condition. In a 4.5-month study, epileptic seizures were completely absent in half of all patients. More than a quarter of the participants had significantly fewer and, above all, milder seizures.
Especially in children, the administration of organic CBD oil often seems to bring about a noticeable improvement in epilepsy. This is shown by numerous testimonials from families who have to deal with these difficult illnesses on a daily basis. There is evidence that organic CBD oil can resolve epileptic seizures within a few seconds of administration. The regular Ingestion can apparently be a Basic stabilization of the state of health and bring about relaxation for everyone involved.
Many families and doctors are now pushing for cannabis to be further investigated as a medicine for epilepsy and for its use to be permitted as an official medicine, not just in individual cases, but in principle.
Counteracting multiple sclerosis (MS)
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease. It affects the central nervous system at various points through inflammatory foci in the brain. As the symptoms can vary greatly, general treatment is very difficult.
The most common symptoms are unilateral inflammation of the optic nerve (impaired vision) and restricted mobility due to spasmodic paralysis. In addition, there is often a general feeling of weakness and painful sensory disturbances throughout the body.
Unfortunately, the cause of multiple sclerosis is still unclear and a complete cure for the disease is extremely rare. For this reason, the aim of treatment is to alleviate the symptoms as much as possible and enable the patient to lead a largely pain-free and unrestricted life.
Doctors have been using effective medication for the treatment of MS for a long time. However, due to the multitude of symptoms, cocktails of several preparations are often administered, which frequently lead to undesirable side effects. This is where CDB oil comes into play.
The versatile properties of organic CBD oil can lead to significant and lasting stabilization in people with multiple sclerosis, halt the degenerative process and improve overall well-being.
Organic CBD oil acts on the endocannabinoid system, an important component of the central nervous system. It can alleviate physical ailments such as pain, paralysis and cramps. In addition, the anti-inflammatory effect of the cannabinoids can reduce the Suppressing inflammation in the brain.
Added to this are the many positive effects of organic CBD oil on the mental health of those affected. Many people suffering from multiple sclerosis have to deal with extreme mental stress. Some are accompanied by depression and panic attacks, as well as constant fatigue, exhaustion and sleep disturbances. Organic CBD oil can significantly relax the body and mind and, without the intoxicating feeling of many other medications, help you to sleep more deeply at night, be much fitter in everyday life and noticeably enjoy life more.
Cure ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) manifests itself as an emotional disorder and usually begins in childhood and adolescence, when so-called behavioral disorders are diagnosed. ADHD manifests itself through perceived problems with attention, impulsivity and self-regulation as desired by society; sometimes there is also severe physical restlessness (hyperactivity).
While ADHD used to be seen as a purely behavioral problem, today it is increasingly understood as a complex developmental delay of the self-management system in the brain and is also seen as extreme behavior with abnormalities that often contradict the desired social "normal behavior". Symptoms alone have no disease value here: only if they also severely impair lifestyle or lead to recognizable suffering is an ADHD diagnosis officially justified.
A deficit of attention to oneself, hyperactivity and emotional imbalances can be alleviated by taking organic CBD oil - due to its neuroconfigurative effect, i.e. its effect on the neuronal control of our organism. Current research results show that cannabinoids in the body have a positive effect on the receptors that are necessary for deleting negative memories, i.e. the brain's self-management system. A functioning endocannabinoid system is able to play an important role in the alleviation of ADHD due to the interaction with this very self-management system.
A study at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry came to the conclusion that the unlearning of negative self-experiences is favored via CB1 receptors, on which cannabinoids exert an effective influence. Taking organic CBD oil supports the functionality of the receptors in the interaction of the self-management system in the brain with the body's endocannabinoid system and thus helps AHDS patients to achieve an inner balance, which can be expressed in an increase in mental calm, clarity and sharpened focus.
Preventing Alzheimer's
The cannabinoid THC has an even stronger effect on the brain than other cannabinoids. It appears to be one of the few very effective remedies for many diseases that start in the brain. However, the psychoactive effect of THC makes it illegal in most countries.
However, the cannabinoids contained in organic CBD oil can also have a very positive effect on the brain. They also have neuroprotective properties. In an adult brain cannabinoids stimulate the receptors and stimulate neurogenesis (production of neurons). With regular use, even small amounts of organic CBD oil can significantly reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases.
Cannabinoids are able to cross the blood-brain barrier. This ensures that no harmful substances enter the brain. However, we have receptors in the brain which, surprisingly, are precisely tuned to cannabinoids. In a study by the ISD (Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research), researchers were able to prove that cannabinoids were able to effectively remove beta-amyloid (a toxic protein), which accumulates in the brain before the onset of Alzheimer's disease and is therefore considered a trigger of the disease.
There are already numerous studies that prove how valuable the use of cannabis is for the prevention of neurological diseases and for increasing the ability to learn.
Prevent diabetes with cannabis oil
Recent studies on mice have shown that organic CBD oil has a exceptionally good prevention against diabetes could represent. The diet administered should have led to diabetes in all overweight mice equally. However, those that were previously fed with organic CBD oil did not develop the disease.
CBD can prevent insulin-producing beta cells from being destroyed (type 1 diabetes) and the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD can help regulate blood sugar and reduce insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes).
Scientists assume that organic CBD oil can also increase the metabolization rate and thus even counteract obesity as a prerequisite for diabetes. Further studies are currently being carried out, but it is already assumed that CBD is the perfect way to prevent, control and treat diabetes.
Better supercompensation for competitive and popular sports
Training stimuli cause a deflection from the mind-body homeostasis (mental equilibrium, physical balance). In order to restore the equilibrium and thus better prepare our mind and body for subsequent training stimuli of the same kind, functions and structures are adapted to a higher performance level. This super-compensatory adaptation is one of the most ingenious occurrences of all, as it is an expression of the human ability to manifest differentiated, more intensive and always diverse stimuli as mental, but also physically positive growth.
The recovery processes that positively influence our performance during the regeneration phase following sport increase the performance level beyond the previously known initial value if the nutritional intake is adequate at an intermediate stage. The intake of organic CBD oil between the phases of useful training loads through sport has an extremely positive effect on the supercompensation phase following training due to the full-spectrum ingredients, which have a beneficial effect on cell regenerationin which performance can be above the initial level if we consume valuable foods.
Thanks to the high concentration of its unique ingredients, high-quality organic CBD oil has a relaxing, anti-inflammatory effect, especially when taken in addition to sports, with a positive influence on sore muscles and minimal inflammation of the muscle fibers after exercise, generally regenerating and thus permanently promoting cell regeneration. This keeps joints, fasciae and muscles purring without a hangover.
Promoting animal welfare thanks to CBD supplementation
Imbalances are also visible in pigs, cats, horses and dogs, all of which are similar to humans in their genetic configuration and are equipped with the endocannabinoid system, but are not fully capable of inducing and consciously controlling mental processes, as we are.
To alleviate these imbalances, which manifest themselves in behavior and physical expression and can manifest themselves in problems with the coat, skin or certain disharmonious abnormalities such as food envy, vigor, aggression, hyperactivity or even communicative attention deficits, organic CBD oil is able to work wonders even in small doses.
Therapy that goes beyond a moderate dosage should be discussed with an animal psychologist or alternative practitioner in accordance with the initial situation of the individual animal.
Organic CBD oil for mental illness, stress and insomnia
The cannabinoids in organic CBD oil have a proven antipsychotic and antidepressant effect, which is usually immediate and long-lasting. The effect is comparable to that of imipramine, a pharmaceutical antidepressant.
Organic CBD oil interacts directly with serotonin and dopamine receptors, releasing more of these neurotransmitters. A very specific serotonin receptor also has an anxiety-inhibiting effect. A study with students showed that taking organic CBD oil one day before a written exam led to significantly less anxiety, uncertainty and nervousness in the participants.
But hemp oil can not only Prevent anxiety and depression. The extraordinarily reassuring Effect of cannabinoids reduces accumulated stress and leads to deeper sleep.
At present, people with sleep disorders still make up the majority of consumers of organic CBD oil.
Organic CBD oil has no side effects and is purely herbal in nature. It is the risk-free and Natural alternative to artificial sleeping pills and narcotic antidepressants.
The same can be said for the treatment of schizophrenia and psychosis, which is normally counteracted with conventional medication. Although these are effective nowadays, they are still accompanied by harmful side effects such as movement disorders, apathy and weight gain.
There are also plenty of testimonials on the Internet on this topic. These describe how the intake of organic CBD oil a quick and long-lasting calming of the nervous system and thus an inner balance in those affected. Due to the calming properties of hemp oil, it is obvious that children with ADHD have also been successfully treated.
There is already much more experimentation with cannabis oil in America than in Europe.
Counter asthma and allergies with organic CBD oil
Organic CBD oil has also been able to put an end to asthma and various allergies. Because CDB oil not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also stimulates the immune system.
Asthma is an atopic and chronic disease. It allows the airways to become very easily inflamed and extremely sensitive to allergic reactions. Older and recent studies have shown that CBD reduces levels of TH2 and TP cytokines and can influence the response in key mucus hypersecretion stimuli. Further research is needed, but the results so far look promising, and organic CBD oil can also be a very helpful remedy for various allergies. By strengthening the immune system, a higher tolerance to external influences can be achieved. A strong immune system makes the body less vulnerable for allergic reactions. Organic CBD oil can reduce and sometimes even completely eliminate allergy attacks. Taken as a regular dietary supplement, it can have a preventative effect.
Alleviate many other ailments
The excellent pain-relieving effect of organic CBD oil is well known and has already brought about a real improvement in the well-being of many people with chronic illnesses such as rheumatism. Some describe an immediate effect that is even stronger than morphine and other strong painkillers.
The calming and relaxing effect of organic CBD oil can also have a positive effect on illnesses such as e.g. Parkinson's disease have an impact. More and more people are speaking out because of the Ingestion have experienced massive relief of their symptoms from cannabis. The video of Larry Smith, who successfully treats himself with cannabis, has been circulating on the internet for years.
With its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, organic CBD oil has already helped many people with Acne or neurodermatitis helped drastically. CBD reduces the oil content in the skin and thus removes the breeding ground for acne. This form of treatment therefore usually leads to long-lasting results.
The amazingly versatile properties of hemp oil go even further. Even the ominous Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can apparently be treated with organic CBD oil.
Diarrhea, abdominal pain, stomach cramps, constipation and flatulence. These can all be signs of irritable bowel syndrome. Although the cause is still not 100% clear, a disorder of the endocannabinoid system is suspected.
The positive effect of organic CBD oil on the gastrointestinal tract has now been confirmed in various studies. The cannabinoids stimulate the responsible receptors and inhibit inflammation.
The regular use of organic CBD oil as a dietary supplement reduces the risk of intolerances and the resulting complaints.
However, no dietary supplement in the world can replace a healthy, balanced diet to achieve the homeostasis that determines health. A prerequisite for a healthy body is a sufficient supply of nutrients from fresh and valuable foods. Organic CBD oil merely helps to maintain good health.